There seem to be as many insurance companies and intermediaries offering yacht insurance these days as there are yachts. Although many owners pay attention first and foremost to the premium, those in the know recognise that this can turn out to be a false economy. Bart de Ven offers you an independent way to find the right proposal. We have excellent contacts with leading insurance firms and we are quite likely to better the proposal which you already have.
Bart de Ven successfully obtained the right insurance for an owner wishing to charter his yacht in both the Mediterranean and in the Caribbean. As the commission was paid by the insurance company (as is usual) there was no actual charge by Bart de Ven to the owner.
We recently helped a client who wanted to build a new yacht but was having difficulty getting theĀ proper insurance for the construction period. Thanks to our excellent contacts in the industry, Bart de Ven was able to provide coverage for the yacht at a very competitive rate.